Rocket Super Sustain 120

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Rocket Super Sustain 120

Post by Reg18 »

Got this amp off a friend this week in dire need of some TLC. (Tony I’m sure you will recognise this one)
It wasn’t working properly and was destined for the dump so I kindly stepped in to prevent what might have been another casualty.
A big pro is it turned out to have an EV12L speaker which I think is why this solid state amp seems to punch above its weight.
I’ve fixed up everything I can,replacing input jack, some switch’s, fixing the reverb tank amongst other things.
The only switch I can’t seem to get working is one labelled boost on the front. Can anyone who’s owned one of these enlighten me as to its function? Was it just a gain boost on the clean channel? Did it work on both channels?
Would be good to get it back working if I can.
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