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Beatles chord mystery solved

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:45 am
by werdna
The clanging, opening chord at the start of the 1964 Beatles hit A Hard Day's Night is instantly recognisable. Yet, as many musicians have discovered, every attempt to reproduce it seems to sound wrong.

A British mathematician now claims to have got closer than anyone else to solving the decades old musical mystery.

Dr Kevin Houston, from the University of Leeds, used sophisticated software to split up the sound on the record into its component frequencies. Presented on a computer screen, a pattern was revealed showing which notes were most prominent.

It makes one wonder whether scientific endeavour is sometimes misdirected.

Our experts devote themselves to space travel and hadron colliders, but we still don't know for example, whether on Octopus' Garden Ringo does a fart during the solo. George Martin isn't talking. Does instead our scientists go off trying to cure cancer etc.